The partnership between Peraton and Zscaler leverages Zscaler’s advanced cloud-based security platform to deliver robust, scalable cybersecurity solutions for public sector customers. This collaboration enhances efficiency, supports digital transformation, and ensures secure access in remote work environments. Their pioneering approach to cloud security and zero trust architecture makes them excellent technical partners. Peraton uses Zscaler internally and collaborates on various accounts, pursuits, and internal research and development efforts, including Resilient Government and Peraton Labs’ 5G capabilities.

Cost-Saving, Cloud-Native Secure Access Service Edge Capabilities

As a leader in cloud-based security solutions, Zscaler helps organizations transition securely to the cloud by offering comprehensive, scalable, and agile security services. Their Zero Trust Exchange platform shifts the security paradigm from traditional perimeter-based defenses to a model that assumes no implicit trust, ensuring that every access request is authenticated, authorized, and encrypted. This approach effectively addresses the security challenges posed by increasingly distributed workforces and sophisticated cyber threats.

Seamless integration into Cloud Infrastructures

One of Zscaler’s key strengths is its ability to integrate security seamlessly into the modern cloud infrastructure. Traditional network security models often struggle to protect cloud-based and hybrid environments, but Zscaler’s cloud-native platform is designed to secure applications and data regardless of their location. By routing traffic through its global network of secure data centers, Zscaler ensures that users receive fast, direct, and secure access to applications without backhauling traffic through corporate data centers. This not only enhances security but also significantly improves user experience and productivity by reducing latency and optimizing performance.

Breadth of Services

Zscaler’s comprehensive security offerings span a range of services including secure internet access, private application access, and data protection. Their Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA) provides robust defenses against web-based threats, while their Zscaler Private Access (ZPA) enables secure, seamless connectivity to internal applications without the need for traditional VPNs. Zscaler Digital Experience (ZDX) allows Peraton customers to monitor the digital experiences of their users and provides quick resolution of application and network performance issues. This combination of services ensures that organizations have a holistic security posture that protects users, applications, and data across the entire cloud environment.

Deployable, AI-Driven Analytics and Threat Intelligence

Moreover, Zscaler’s advanced analytics and threat intelligence capabilities empower organizations to detect and respond to threats more effectively, providing real-time visibility into network activity and potential vulnerabilities. Another advantage of partnering with Zscaler is their focus on simplicity and ease of deployment. Zscaler’s solutions are designed to be quickly and easily integrated into existing IT environments with minimal disruption. This is particularly beneficial for organizations looking to modernize their security infrastructure without the complexities associated with traditional hardware-based security solutions.

Zscaler’s cloud-based approach eliminates the need for costly, on-premises security appliances and simplifies management by providing a unified, centralized platform for policy enforcement and threat management.

Proactive Commitment to Innovation

Finally, Zscaler’s commitment to innovation and continuous improvement makes it a dynamic partner in the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape. The company invests heavily in research and development to stay ahead of emerging threats and to deliver cutting-edge security capabilities. Their frequent updates and enhancements ensure that customers always have access to the latest security technologies and best practices. Zscaler also offers robust support and training resources, helping organizations to optimize their security strategies and achieve better outcomes. This proactive and forward-thinking approach enables Zscaler to provide not just reactive defenses but also strategic security solutions that anticipate and mitigate future risks.

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